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Just a little blog about LifeThisWay... Hope you enjoy reading with us!

Thursday, December 02, 2004

I can't sleep.

Well, here it is 11:23 PM locally, and I can't sleep.

So, I turn to my blog which hasn't been updated for the last couple of weeks.

There is so much to update, and I know that so much has happened since then, but I still can't quite think of anything noteworthy to write.

The deer hunting ended a couple of weeks ago with no success. The deer will live to see another day. Well, actually, I shouldn't say no success. Our hunting party of 9 got 6 deer all together, and I did get to take home some venison. So, I am happy about that. I just didn't get a chance to shoot one myself. I still had a GREAT time though.

Church has been going great! We had a miracle happen in the last couple of weeks. As we were completing our new building, some of the costs did run over the original estimates. The long story short is that we were over budget by about $15,000 at the end of the project. Much prayer and faith was poured into this need, and 2 weeks ago we received a check for $15,000. Pretty amazing!

God has also been moving in other great ways in our fellowship. We are growing all the time.

Personally, God has been moving in my heart to change me as well. I just seem to take longer to learn some things though. I find myself doing some things that God had just told me not to do the day before. Then the Holy Spirit will remind me in that still small voice, and I feel so much like Peter felt when that rooster crowed.

Yet I am constantly reminded that God's grace is so big and so amazing. He urges me to get up and try again.

So, tomorrow will be another day... actually, this very minute is different from the last... I think I will start right now! :)

God Bless you!
