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Tuesday, October 19, 2004

America's pastime?

That's right! It is that time again.

Time to grab you favorite beverage, make up that plate of super nachos, and sit back to watch you favorite political advertisements...

I am really getting tired of the relentless ads. It is especially annoying when you already know who you are going to vote for. I am so ready for election day. (Funny how I have a big political ad on this site. OK so you all know who I want to win!)

How about that ball game tonight? Police in riot gear on the field?

It is a sad day when we have to have the riot police come in just to make sure the game finishes without something ugly happening.

Speaking of ugly, how about Alex Rodriguez swating the ball out of the Arroyo's hand? Did he really believe his story about the running motion... I hope so, because nobody else in their right mind did...

Go Red Sox!!!!