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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

changes are comin'!

Well, within the next month or so, we will see some changes coming our way. I don't know that I have mentioned it on the blog before (shame on me) but I have been taking the steps toward becoming an elder at our church over the last couple of years.

An elder in our church is similar to an associate pastor I guess. Not totally the same though. Right now there are two elders, and with me it would be three. Needless to say, this is a huge step for me and my family. A very humbling experience... I know that sounds cliche, but it truely is. I can understand a bit deeper why Moses asked "Who am I to lead these people?" My main source of strengh in this is that I know that it is God and Him alone that has brought me to this place. It is not something I have asked for, or even sought after really. It just happened that way. It is a call on my heart.

So, this will become "official" within the next three weeks or so.

I turn 28 on May 2. Not sure what else to say about that. I am 2 years from 30. That doesn't bother me at all, but I do have some goals that I want to reach before then. It doesn't really worry me though. I know the goals are attainable.

The two youngest of my three kids have had sickness in the last couple of weeks. Battling the cold and cough. It is hard to watch the baby go through it. It is just a little cough, but I pray for healing continually. My poor baby. He barely knows how to cough at three months.

Oh, and I finally got the interview that I wrote about a while ago. It should be posted on Michelle's site sometime soon. It appears that it is my fault that it took so long. I don't have my email listed anywhere around here. I have to work on that. Maybe it is time to change my look on this thing... hmmm

Well, that's the news for now. :) God bless you today!