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Wednesday, March 09, 2005

had cell group tonight

Why do I do this to myself. I get on the computer and before I know it, I am reading blogs until all hours of the night, and I will regret it in the morning.

Anyway, we had cell group tonight. I can't recall if I have ever mentioned our cell group in all my posts on this blog. We have had this cell group in our home for almost an entire year, and I have not mentioned it? What is wrong with me?

ANyway the above mentioned cell group is just about to close down. Don't get me wrong, every group has its time, and it seems that bigger and better things are coming! I am going to miss it though. We have had some really great times together.

In other news... I might be getting interviewed by Michelle from Canada eh?... I will see if I do, and maybe post it here. At the very least link to her post... (you can too if you visit her blog!)

I started my Berean ministerial classes again! Good stuff. I have to work double hard now though because I started a while ago, and I am trying to continue where I left off, but still refresh myself on what I already studied. Oh well, good thing I enjoy it.

Ok... must.... go... to... bed...

MUST... LOG... OFF... BLOG... !

g-nite ;)