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Just a little blog about LifeThisWay... Hope you enjoy reading with us!

Friday, July 16, 2004

It is too late... early?

Well, this is my first post since blogger gave us the fancy "WYSIWYG" editor to use... I don't like it.

And neither does my wife by the way!

I have included a pic of a rainbow that I took a couple months ago. A little dark, but a pretty interesting image I think.

I am just sitting here looking through various blogs I read and decided to add a couple to my blogroll...

In other news, my geocache has been found!!! Read about the missing cache here.
I guess some kid found it and brought it home to show his parents. Once they finally got it open and realized what it was, they sent me an email. They put it back together and want to see it replaced in it's original location! I will have to find a rather stealthyway to hide it this time so it doesn't get "muggled"!

I am really tired now... so I sign off with that!