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Friday, July 09, 2004

culture to culture...

It seems that a comment I recently made on another blog has touched off a bit of discussion(and here) in the blogosphere. I have been visiting James and Elicia's Adventures in Australia's Winter Wonderland ever since I first blogged about it in May.

The other day, I was reading through and came across the word bikkies... what? You read it right, bikkies! As in:

"when she arrived home she carried beer, sausage rolls, a jam donut, cheese and bikkies and chocolate" (emphasis mine)

I have never heard of this word before... so call me uncultured... but I had to find out. Bikkies by the way are biscuits. Who knew?!?!

I don't know, I think it is pretty interesting. Why is this cool you ask?

I guess for me it still boggles (or should I say "bloggles") my mind how communication has changed these days. I can sit in the comfort of my own home and read posts that someone has written from half way across the world. (I don't want to sound too old fashion, but I am a child of the '80's afterall...)

I also find it fascinating that there are so many differences in cultures that seem so much the same. Something as simple as the language can set us apart, and heaven knows that there are probably more complex cultural differences that we could talk about at great length.

But, as I read through this blog I am drawn to the similarities in the human experience. Without getting too deep, I think if you read through you will find the same thing. Somehow I make a connection with these people from another continent just by reading what they have to say. As I have said before, it is fascinating to me!

I am also amazed that my beautiful wife has finally decided to join me!!! :)