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Friday, January 28, 2005

perfect personality

Just a couple of links that I have been thinking through today.  Dictionary links?  how exciting...  (yeah right!)
Actually, what got me thinking about person, and personality was a thought that came to my mind.
I don't even know how I got there, I am not sure where it will end up, and I am sure I will sound like a complete idiot trying to explain, but here goes.
The thought came to my mind, "Why don't people talk about God's personality more often?"  (if you can answer this question, please comment below.)
At least in my experience, it seems that people do not speak often about God's personality (as in:"the totality of an individual's behavioral and emotional characteristics").  Sure I often hear people refer to God's character, but is that really the same?  I think that people can have the same character qualities, but very different personalities. 
God created us in his image, and I don't believe that personalities appeared because of the fall.  They my have been a bit warped because of the fallen nature, but Adam and Eve had personalities from the beginning. 
Personalities are what set us apart and make us unique from one another.  There are so many different types. 
Like I said, I am not sure where this will end up, but it makes me think.  What is God's personality like?  Is that or can that be tainted by my perspective or opinion of who God is?  Or can my own personality skew my understanding of His?
What is the perfect personality?  Perfect sense of humor... perfect warmth... perfect strength??
I think too much sometimes.  :)