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Saturday, January 22, 2005

Well, things have been clipping along.

The snow came, but we didn't get as much as they were predicting. At this point in the year everyone I talk to is pretty much tired of snow. We have a lot of it. We are all past the "white Christmas" effect.

Last week I had the opportunity to preach at my church. I am always so honored that they would ask me to do it. I had my sermon all planned to speak about spiritual warfare, and the enemy that we face these days, when right in the middle of the song service the Lord brought me to Isaiah 58. It was very timely as our church had a week of prayer and fasting this week. (I did also preach on the topic that I had prepared.)

This week surely has been a battle for me. I have seen victories and defeats in my own personal life. And here I stand... a bit worn out from it all. I am so looking forward to church tomorrow.

My wife has just passed her 35 week mark in her pregnancy. We are looking to hold off on having the baby for at least another 2 weeks. (For those who do not know, my wife has been having early labor since Christmas. She is not due until Feb. 24, so she is now on bed-rest and medication to slow down the labor.) A couple more weeks and the baby will be much healthier.

I got to hold my new neice this evening, and I didn't want to let her go! Isabella Grace. She is beautiful. She is perfect. And she couldn't have a better set of parents. I am so happy for them. God bless that family!

I spent the morning shoveling snow. Then I was off to get my daughter her very first "big girl bed". She is so excited to finally have a normal sized bed in her room. It is amazing how a child enjoys the simple things so much. Note to self... be more like that!