LifeThisWay -> -> (Shadow site to

Just a little blog about LifeThisWay... Hope you enjoy reading with us!

Friday, January 27, 2006

To Meat or Not to Meat...

This is not good news for deer hunters like myself. I really enjoy hunting, and for me it is not just a sport. It helps to feed my family We had venison for dinner just the other night. Maybe it is time to go vegitarian...

Duluth News Tribune | 01/27/2006 | Report warns CWD risk greater than thought

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

come on over...

If y'all are interested in what is going on lately, why don't you come on over?

This is just the shadow site to our main blog. :)


Thursday, January 12, 2006

the true essense of irony...

The only reason this is funny is that no one got hurt!

Like I said, the true essense of - Firemen's party ends in blaze - Jan 11, 2006

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

How does one justify this?

HOTBUTTON ISSUE: ("OMG, is he seriously linking to FOX news???")

So, is this discrimination against women, or a good example of a woman's "right" to choose?

I know... it is just a fetus right? I just don't know how anyone can see it that way. God help us! - Health - Millions of Female Fetuses Aborted in India, Study Finds

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

a lesson to be learned...

I got this on my bloglines account this morning...

Then come to find out it is more like this...

Just one survivor at W. Virginia mine (Reuters)

A sad day, and a lesson to be learned. Our prayers go out for the families of these miners.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

YouTube - SNL - The Chronic of Narnia Rap

Thanks to Julie Neidlinger for posting a link so I could link...YouTube - SNL - The Chronic of Narnia Rap