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Just a little blog about LifeThisWay... Hope you enjoy reading with us!

Monday, June 28, 2004

I'm famous... well sort of...

Our church made the paper this weekend, and there was a picture of me printed under the headline. (ok, I was about an inch tall, and you couldn't really tell it was me unless you read the caption...) But it was me none-the-less, and I feel really special about it.

Actually, it was a really nice story about our church. I think you might like to give it a read. (I especially like the last quote in the article by Chris Swanson. Their family is dealing with the death of their 4 year old son last month, and he is still looking to reach out to others. I see Jesus in them so much!)

In other news, I am trying to get my wife to sign up and contribute to this thing! I would be so honored if she would, because I think it would add the missing dimension that this blog needs. Everyone who has read the posts so far has no idea that they are only hearing from half of me! (by the way, I know that she will read this and feel so guilty about not doing it yet... :)...)

So, I think you will be hearing from her soon too!