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Saturday, January 15, 2005


It has been extremely cold here in the northland! -20 with -30 to -50 degree windchills will make anyone want to stay inside!

So, what is there to do while you are sitting around indoors? Well, the first thing the comes to mind is watch TV.

I watch way too much TV. I admit it. Sometimes, I would rather sit and watch TV than do something constructive. It never used to be this way. When Martha and I were first married, we didn't even have a TV. (yes on-purpose!) We didn't want one, and this is the reason why. I knew that once we got the TV, I would watch it. And watch it I do. Here is the shocker... I actually went out and bought a TV last fall. This was our first "store-bought" TV. Up until that point we just got everbody's left-over TVs for free. It is kindof like a drug. You can't live with it, but then you feel like you can't live without it. I guess this will be one of my struggles for the rest of my days. I don't like TV, but I enjoy it so... what am I to do.

I am making it sound worse than it is, but at night sometimes I have to force myself not to watch. I am always glad when I do.

Last night was not one of those nights. I sat and watched 2 TV dramas that I had absolutely no interest in. Third Watch... some sort of police/emergency services soap opera, and I forget what the other one is called, but people were dieing of small pox. Pretty depressing.

I had to ask myself, what is with America's fascination with terrorism. Suddenly that is almost all I see on the TV dramas. I know that it is nothing new, but it just seems to be so hyped these days! Everything is what if this happened... and lets make a drama about that blowing up... and on and on...

Maybe I should give up on TV... there is not much to redeem there...

I also have the opportunity to preach at my local church tomorrow. Please pray with me that His word will go forth into receiving hearts.

I will let you know what I preach on. Maybe in my next post.

God Bless!