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Just a little blog about LifeThisWay... Hope you enjoy reading with us!

Monday, February 28, 2005

xoops... xoops... xoops...

So I have been busy playing with a new web thingy...

I recently added a new section to our church website. (You can check it out here.)

I am very seriously thinking about moving this blog to run through XOOPS. I am really impressed with this CMS/community portal, and I think that it could be a cool way to integrate my blog into a cool personal website.

At any rate, my online activity has been focused on this, thus the no posts here for a while. sorry!

The family is doing great. We are just adjusting to having an new little person with us. :)

Julia and I went ice skating on Saturday (she skated... I slid around on my shoes). We had a lot of fun. If it wasn't for the wind being so strong off the lake, we would have stayed a little longer.

Also went sliding with the kids on Saturday. Little James wasn't too impressed with the actual sliding, but he sat at the top of the hill and enjoyed watching the other kids slide down.

We had a good weekend.