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Tuesday, March 08, 2005

bloggers' spotlight

I just watched the report on blogging on Nightline. Very interesting. So interesting in fact that I had to jump on the bandwagon and blog about it. Of course it is taking me about 50 years to get on to their site. I suppose about 30 million people are trying to use the same server. (I hate dial-up... I wish I had the means to afford a high-speed connection! anyone want to make a donation???)

All this talk about the power of blogs and credibility... I think most people who read these things can tell if the source is really credible or not. ( I would hope so anyway! sheesh!)

In my mind, it is that way with any published information whether it be mainstream media, or some printed rag handed out on the street corner. You can't believe everything you read or hear (or sometimes see for that matter).

You also must realize that every blog contains the bloggers opinion (just like every news story on tv or papers) no matter how "objective" they try to be. I just can't believe that they don't.

In my case, I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I don't apologize for it. It is who I am, and I know that it is shown in my blog. Everyone who reads it knows it, and know that everything I blog will be connected to that. What about you? What is it that effects your thinking even as you read this.

They do make a point about the ethics involved. There has to be a point of responsibility. Good luck drawing that line. It all comes down to the same free speech argument that has been going on since time began...

Look at me getting all soap boxy, it is a good thing I don't blog about this stuff too often.

Time for bed. I am sick, and I need my rest!

good night all!