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Thursday, March 10, 2005

thoughts on evangelism

I just read this article on The OOZE a couple of minutes ago. (I know, I am a bit behind the times. It was written Feb. 1, 05)

I recommend you read it. It brings up some interesting points that I have wrestled with for some time.

The author addresses the issue of being a Christian "soldier" VS. "gardener" when it comes to an approach on evangelism.

Sometimes I think that it is a little of both, and a neither one at the same time. Jesus certainly acted in both realms of ministry. I believe that the time for gardening, and cultivating is now, but we can't shy away from testing the fruit to see if it is ripe. Otherwise, I believe we can wait from now until eternity and never see or realize the harvest (or the extent that is supposed to be).

Of course, our battle is with the Satan, and any sort of harvest will not come unless we first cultivate it with our prayers and intercessions.

All of this flows from relationship with God. If it doesn't, then what good does it so anyone?
