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Just a little blog about LifeThisWay... Hope you enjoy reading with us!

Saturday, March 26, 2005

progress... progress..

Paint and more paint has been our pastime for the last few days. I must say that Martha did more of the painting than I did. Check out the pictures below to see the before (left) and after (right) versions of our hallway/entryway in our home.

I know... they look kind of the same, but the color is different really. A little more yellow, lighter, brighter, and of course... cleaner!

Picture 1 is the view from our livingroom looking at the stairway.

Picture 2 is the view from the front entrance looking toward the kitchen.

Picture 3 is the view from the front entrance, this time looking toward the stairway.

Picture 4 is the view from the top of the first section of stairs looking down.

Well, that was fun, wasn't it? Now on with my Saturday!

Friday, March 25, 2005

hey! whatsinyourbag

Found the link to this site on this blog.

She is absolutely right... this is kinda addicting. Find out what everyone else is carrying around all day!

Another OOZE article

Here is an article addressing the Terri Shiavo case. THEOOZE - Articles: Viewing Article

What say you?

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

be you... yourself... revolutionary...

Now for a follow-up on yesterday's post. I must say that I am still working through this one. For some reason this article has stirred me up and I believe that is what the author wanted. There is something just not right about it. I am having a hard time putting my finger on it. I think it is the blatant sarcasm present in the second paragraph as the author quotes the "typical traditional Christian".

This is the type of article that is rejected by the mainstream, but eaten up by the loose cannons of the world. I don't want to sound too "traditionally religious" but this message I believe is off. I really find no foundation in it at all, and maybe the author assumes that we understand how it all connects.

I find myself asking the question "Why?" as I come to the conclusion of the article. Why do we need a "complete upheaval of our current Christian practices"? Just for the sake of saying we have done something "revolutionary"?

Jesus was a revolutionary in the purest sense. In the sense that His coming as a human here on earth affected dramatic change or a shift in thinking and practice. But I think what the author was missing is that Jesus came to make new by RENEWAL! Think about that...

I do not believe that Jesus walked through His day thinking about how He could shake up the "old ways" to make everything new. Jesus Himself kept the law perfectly (maybe not the traditions, but the law). He is the same yesterday, today, forever. (Again, I don't get what the author is trying to get at...)

Maybe the author is one of those people who thinks that he must FEEL like he is on the edge in order for his Christian walk to be valid. (I am grasping at straws here...) But can't you find that edge wherever you are? Isn't it about being where God has called you and doing your best for Him in that place?

Yes, be a revolutionary if need be, but first and foremost... be yourself. Isn't that revolutionary enough?

So, there you have it. My thought on the matter. Again, maybe I am totally misunderstanding this article, or maybe it IS just a shameless plug so you will buy the author's books listed in his bio. I guess I will just leave it at that.

If you have more insight, let me know.

God bless!

Monday, March 21, 2005

So here is some more food for thought...

Another very interesting article found here. Jesus, The Revolutionary

Was Jesus a revolutionary as this man says?

I some ways I agree, but in some ways I don't. What are your thoughts?

Friday, March 18, 2005

She logged off

Just a quick post to let you know that we are still here, and that my beautiful wife did actually manage to get logged off the internet. (like last week!)

Did I mention that I need high-speed internet??? I should start one of the those pay-pal, donate to my blog things just so you can all contribute to my "get Mike a high-speed connection fund"!

Oh... I guess it is really a want right now instead of an actual "need", but it is a really (reeeaalllyyy) big WANT!

Well, I have to run and have dinner with the in-laws.

More ssooon! :)

Thursday, March 10, 2005

thoughts on evangelism

I just read this article on The OOZE a couple of minutes ago. (I know, I am a bit behind the times. It was written Feb. 1, 05)

I recommend you read it. It brings up some interesting points that I have wrestled with for some time.

The author addresses the issue of being a Christian "soldier" VS. "gardener" when it comes to an approach on evangelism.

Sometimes I think that it is a little of both, and a neither one at the same time. Jesus certainly acted in both realms of ministry. I believe that the time for gardening, and cultivating is now, but we can't shy away from testing the fruit to see if it is ripe. Otherwise, I believe we can wait from now until eternity and never see or realize the harvest (or the extent that is supposed to be).

Of course, our battle is with the Satan, and any sort of harvest will not come unless we first cultivate it with our prayers and intercessions.

All of this flows from relationship with God. If it doesn't, then what good does it so anyone?


Wednesday, March 09, 2005

had cell group tonight

Why do I do this to myself. I get on the computer and before I know it, I am reading blogs until all hours of the night, and I will regret it in the morning.

Anyway, we had cell group tonight. I can't recall if I have ever mentioned our cell group in all my posts on this blog. We have had this cell group in our home for almost an entire year, and I have not mentioned it? What is wrong with me?

ANyway the above mentioned cell group is just about to close down. Don't get me wrong, every group has its time, and it seems that bigger and better things are coming! I am going to miss it though. We have had some really great times together.

In other news... I might be getting interviewed by Michelle from Canada eh?... I will see if I do, and maybe post it here. At the very least link to her post... (you can too if you visit her blog!)

I started my Berean ministerial classes again! Good stuff. I have to work double hard now though because I started a while ago, and I am trying to continue where I left off, but still refresh myself on what I already studied. Oh well, good thing I enjoy it.

Ok... must.... go... to... bed...

MUST... LOG... OFF... BLOG... !

g-nite ;)

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

check her out

This has to be one of my favorite... if not favorite blogs to read. Always something interesting there. Quite unique...Julie R. Neidlinger: Lone Prairie Art Works

(Shes a blogger and a reporter for a newspaper??? Where does that fit on Nightline?)

bloggers' spotlight

I just watched the report on blogging on Nightline. Very interesting. So interesting in fact that I had to jump on the bandwagon and blog about it. Of course it is taking me about 50 years to get on to their site. I suppose about 30 million people are trying to use the same server. (I hate dial-up... I wish I had the means to afford a high-speed connection! anyone want to make a donation???)

All this talk about the power of blogs and credibility... I think most people who read these things can tell if the source is really credible or not. ( I would hope so anyway! sheesh!)

In my mind, it is that way with any published information whether it be mainstream media, or some printed rag handed out on the street corner. You can't believe everything you read or hear (or sometimes see for that matter).

You also must realize that every blog contains the bloggers opinion (just like every news story on tv or papers) no matter how "objective" they try to be. I just can't believe that they don't.

In my case, I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I don't apologize for it. It is who I am, and I know that it is shown in my blog. Everyone who reads it knows it, and know that everything I blog will be connected to that. What about you? What is it that effects your thinking even as you read this.

They do make a point about the ethics involved. There has to be a point of responsibility. Good luck drawing that line. It all comes down to the same free speech argument that has been going on since time began...

Look at me getting all soap boxy, it is a good thing I don't blog about this stuff too often.

Time for bed. I am sick, and I need my rest!

good night all!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

My baby sister off to the Philippines!

Here is the link detailing my sister's mission trip to the Philippines this coming summer: Philippines 2005 Pentecostal Practicum

I am so proud of her!